Vegan vs Mixed diet: Which is best for slow ageing?

The pursuit of everlasting youth has existed for as long as humankind. Even though youthfulness never stays for long, our ageing process is greatly influenced by the foods we consume. In the discussion of slow ageing, two diets – the omnivore diet and the vegan diet – stand out among a variety of options. Here … Read more

8 surprising benefits of brisk walking

What is it about brisk walking, a simple act of pacing fast, that has been garnering much attention in the fitness world? It has all the perks and benefits of high-intensity workouts, but with less strain on the body, which makes it a perfect fitness regime for people of all ages. Several studies talk about … Read more

Vitamin D: Should kids consume supplements?

Vitamin D has been known and hailed as an important and effective component for bone health, especially in growing children. However, recent research has raised questions about the actual benefits of vitamin D supplements for children’s bone strength. Here is all you need to know about the latest findings, exploring how vitamin D supplements affect … Read more